Based on the popular British series of the same name, this faster-paced American version follows the daily interactions of a group of idiosyncratic office employees via a documentary film crew's cameras.Regional manager Michael (Steve Carell) thinks he's the coolest, funniest, best boss ever - which, of course, makes him the uncoolest, most obnoxious and annoying boss as far as his staff is concerned. His co-worker Jim (John Krasinski) lusts after engaged receptionist Pam (Jenna Fischer) when he's not sabotaging his cube-mate, the know-it-all Dwight (Rainn Wilson). Ryan Howard (B.J. Novak) is a young, smart, self-possessed temp, who quickly figures out the real office politics despite Michael's attempts to instill the official point-of-view.
Whether you watch every episode or have just witnessed a funny scene post what you think, anything you want!
Monday, April 16, 2007
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I like the British version much better -- the characters are so funny all by themselves! I watched almost every episode and then bought my husband the first season on DVD (as an excuse to have it myself!). I find the American version kind of boring...I guess because Michael is not as whacky as the English gent. But I guess it would grow on you. What I especially like is the way it's shot like a fake documentary -- very innovative! Jessie Johncock, a CU media major, just produced a take-off version of "The Office" for her senior capstone project, and it's great!
I've never actually seen "the office," but I've heard that it's worth the time.
Is it just me, or do tv shows seem to be focusing around everyday situations more often than not? It seems as though they like to draw on the things that we all experience and bring out the humor, or perhaps more accurately the irony, of our lives.
I think one of my favorite parts of comedic shows is the portrayal of the characters. We're all characters, with good, bad, and strange qualities. TV just makes them more pronounced, so that you can't miss it even if you tried. I think we all should use that kind of knowledge to not only notice the real life people who are around us everyday, but to also recognize the humor within everyday life situations.
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