Sunday, January 28, 2007

Looking at the Rankings

According to, the top three shows on tv are (1) Dexter, (2) Heroes, and (3)Prison Break. This ranking list includes both Network shows and Reality shows. If you were to rank your top three shows what would they be? Do you agree with's view or do you have other opinions?


Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the rankings as they are since I haven't even heard of the top show, and prison break isn't even the most popular show on fox. The top shows for me would have to go as follows 1) dirty jobs 2)cash cab 3)and just about any lifetime original are fine with me

Anonymous said...

I would say that Heros and Prison Break have the most viewers. But i would say that there are more loyal fans of other shows like 24,Grey's Anatomy, Desprate Housewives and others. I have not heard of the top show either. So i whould agree with two out of three.

FromDust said...

I think it is sad that we spend our time ranking which show is watched the most, what does this raking represent? What show causes the most people sit on the couch and do nothing for an hour. What happend to the times when families would get together and play cards or a board game. Or parents would read stories to there children. Instead game shows suck the life out of our family and sub for parent bed time stories

Anonymous said...

MY top shows would be 1) Gilmore Girls, before the new writers, so I'm not actually that sad that this is the last season, though I must admitt I'll miss Rory and Lorelai 2)Heros, gotta go with the rankings on this one 3) Grey's, although if Meredith dies I quit that one.

Anonymous said...

Um... well when I am at school I never watch TV, so I really wouldn't know what the rankings should be or are. I enjoy watching Ugly Betty, What not to Wear, and Gilmore Girls though when I am at home. Seriously, Gilmore Girls has to be at the top....

Anonymous said...

My top three shows are LOST, House, and SpongeBob. I like each of these shows a lot, but they're pretty much the only shows I watch, so my opinions pertaining to aren't especially relevant. I'm a college student with things to do - I don't really watch TV!

Anonymous said...

What is Dexter? And, why isn't Sportscenter on the list? That show is as cool as the other side of your pillow!

Anonymous said...

I don't necessarily agree with their rankings, but that's because I don't watch those shows. The top shows for me would be 1) Gilmore Girls, 2) American Idol, and 3) CSI.

Anonymous said...

For real, Gilmore Girls should be on this list! What's up with that?

Anonymous said...

Basically these rankings are completely wrong because 24 is the number one show on the air right now. I mean please... who even knows who Dexter is???

Anonymous said...

Jack Bauer anybody??? Holla at a player when you see him the streets!

Anonymous said...

No kidding! 24 should be ranked high upon that list! Also 1 vs 100 is close behind just because of Bob Saget's outrageously good looks.

Unknown said...

The Office is amazingly funny and addicting. If Jim and Pam don't get together one day, I might throw myself off a parking structure. I'd have to say that my top three would be 1) Entourage, 2) 24 (because JB can rip the throat of a man out with his teath while roped to a chair), 3) The Office...

Anonymous said...

I like the show Numbers. Though I rarely watch TV at all.

Anonymous said...

My top three are Friends, House, and American Idol.